Wisdom of Silver Eagle
About Me
- Name: Silver Eagle
- Location: Flat Creek, Alabama, United States
A dear friend of mine once said, "I've been around this rodeo enough, to enjoy life as it is dealt to me each day." It has given me an entirely new perspective on life. To describe myself, … I am an easygoing, very low maintenance, down to earth kind of person. Keywords are honesty, truth and integrity. What makes me tick? I guess you could say life. I am a spiritual, but not religious. I do not believe any one set of people, beliefs or teachings have the sole method of what is truth. I accept and respect all beliefs. I believe that is more important to walk your path, than it is to talk your path. Personally, I am more "aligned" with what can be called the "natural-way" or the Ancient and Olde Way.
- Need for National Unity Sunday July 4, 19...
- Samson & Delilah's Puppies, first 31 days
- Theme from Titanic (video)
- Straits of Malacca Radars
- Austrailian OTHB
- Seismic Surveys
- The sky is falling
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- Current Posts
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Weather and Drought

* There are approximately 3.5 million acres underwater along the Ohio, Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas Rivers. Arkansas is at the top of the list of devastation with a million acres affected. This includes 300,000 acres of rice and 120,000 acres of wheat. Tennessee has reported 650,000 acres impacted by the flood, with Mississippi and Missouri falling next in line at 600,000 and 570,000 acres respectively. Illinois is estimated to have half-a million acres under water, while Louisiana is pegged at 280,000 acres.
For comparison, about 3.5 million acres, Michigan has the second largest amount of state-owned "timberland" in the USA. "Timberland" is different than "forest" in that harvesting is allowed and minimum growth rates are defined. In terms of all ownerships, Michigan has the fifth largest area of timberland in the USA. Fifty-three percent of Michigan, or 19.3 million acres, is forested.
http://www.agweb.com/article/Corn_Planting_Progress_052311/ Corn Planting Process as of May 22, 2011, compared to May 22, 2010
http://www.agweb.com/article/spring_wheat_crop_condition/052311/ %20Spring">http://www.agweb.com/article/spring_wheat_crop_condition/052311/ Spring Wheat Planting Process
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Ship Collision

Fishing boat and container ship collide in waters near Ship Island.
GULFPORT, Mississippi - U.S. Coast Guard crews are searching the waters around Ship Island after a collision between two ships.Coast Guard officials say just before 9pm Wednesday night, the Sandy Point, a fishing boat and the Eurus London, a container ship, collided south of Gulfport. The incident happened between Cat Island and Ship Island. The Sandy Point sank. 16 people were aboard at the time.
The Coast Guard pulled 11 people from the water. Two Sandy Point crewmembers were able to swim to the other ship.
Coast Guard rescue helicopters, a cutter, a plane and other boats are searching for the three people who were also aboard the Sandy Point. The cause of the incident is under investigation.
What's the Navy doing?

Continuing until approximately April 4, 2012, the Navy will be conducting surface and submerged vehicle testing in the Gulf of Mexico. Buoys will
be placed in the approximate position:
Buoy 1: 30-06-33N 085-43-12W,
Buoy 2: 30-06-07N 085-42-33W,
Buoy 3: 30-05-31N 085-43-02W,
Buoy 4: 30-04-48N 085-43-37W,
Buoy 5: 30-05-14N 085-44-17W and
Buoy 6: 30-05-59N 085-43-40W.
The buoys will have flashing yellow lights, .5 seconds on and 1.5 seconds off. The U.S. Navy PSC-5, U.S. Navy PSC-8, M/V LILLY BORDELON, M/V
STEEL SLINGER and M/V FINTASTIC will be operating in this area during daylight hours only, during the testing period. Mariners are urged to stay
clear of the testing area. The support vessel will be monitoring VHF-FM Channel 16. For up-to-date information, mariners can contact Mr. Rick
Strynar at (850) 249-1536, ext. 246 or strynarr@ipsincorparated.com or Coast Guard Sector Mobile Waterways Branch at (251) 441-5684.
Continuing until May 28, 2011, the U.S. Military will be conducting join Navy and Air Force training in an area located approximately 5 nautical miles
offshore of Bay County, Florida, east of the Panama City Pass between the Panama City Pass and Cape San Blas, Florida. The training will include
Air Force and Navy assets and several U.S. Navy surface support vessels. Mariners are urged to remain clear by at least 4 nautical miles from the
center point of approximate position 29-58-00N 085-40-00W, and to heed all warnings from Navy and contracted surface support vessels supporting this joint training. The U.S. Navy support vessels will be monitoring VHF-FM Channel 16.
Continuing until approximately December 31, 2011, the U.S. Navy will be conducting surface and subsurface operations in the Gulf of Mexico off of
Panama City, Florida. Operations will be conducted in the approximate positions:
30-23-00N 086-47-00W,
30-11-00N 085-50-00W,
29-30-00N 085-50-00W and
29-30-00N 086-47-00W.
The U.S. Navy PSC-3, U.S. Navy PSC-12 and M/V LILLY BORDELON will be supporting this operation. Mariners are urged that all traffic maintain a
2,000 yard CPA with all U.S. Navy units and U.S. Navy contracted commercial vessels. The support vessels will be monitoring VHF-FM Channel 16.
For up-to-date information, mariners can contact Mr. Rick Strynar at (850) 249-1536, ext. 246 or strynarr@ipsincorparated.com or Coast Guard
Sector Mobile Waterways Branch at (251) 441-5684.
Friday, May 06, 2011
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Weather Radar
What is the WSR-88D or NEXRAD?
NEXRAD or Nexrad (Next-Generation Radar) is a network of 159 high-resolution Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service, an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) within the United States Department of Commerce. Its technical name is WSR-88D, which stands for Weather Surveillance Radar, 1988, Doppler. NEXRAD detects precipitation and atmospheric movement or wind. It returns data which when processed can be displayed in a mosaic map which shows patterns of precipitation and its movement. The radar system operates in two basic modes, selectable by the operator – a slow-scanning clear-air mode for analyzing air movements when there is little or no activity in the area, and a precipitation mode, with a faster scan for tracking active weather. NEXRAD has an increased emphasis on automation, including the use of algorithms and automated volume scans.
Dual polarization
The next major upgrade is polarimetric radar, which adds vertical polarization to the current horizontal radar waves, in order to more accurately discern what is reflecting the signal. This so-called dual polarization allows the radar to distinguish between rain, hail and snow, something the horizontally polarized radars cannot accurately do. Early trials have shown that rain, ice pellets, snow, hail, birds, insects, and ground clutter all have different signatures with dual-polarization, which could mark a significant improvement in forecasting winter storms and severe thunderstorms.[8] The deployment of the dual polarization capability (Build 12) to NEXRAD sites will begin in 2010 and last until 2012. The Vance AFB radar is the first operational WSR-88D to be modified to Dual Polarization. The modified radar went operational on 3 March 2011.[9]
NEXRAD data are used in multiple ways. It is used by National Weather Service meteorologists and is freely available to users outside of the NWS, including researchers, media, and private citizens. The primary goal of NEXRAD data is to aid NWS meteorologists in operational forecasting. The data allows them to accurately track precipitation and anticipate its development and track. More importantly, it allows the meteorologists to track and anticipate severe weather and tornadoes. Combined with ground reports, tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings can be issued to alert the public about dangerous storms. NEXRAD data also provides information about rainfall and aids in hydrology forecasting. Data is provided to the public in several different forms. The most basic form is graphics published to the NWS website. Data is also available in two similar, but different, raw formats. Available directly from the NWS is Level III data. Level III data consists of reduced resolution, low-bandwidth, base products as well as many derived, post-processed products. Level II data consists of only the base products, but at their original resolution. Because of the higher bandwidth costs, Level II data is not available directly from the NWS. The NWS distributes this data freely to several top-tier universities who in turn distribute the data to private organizations.
Weather Radar displays.

RING AROUND (RADAR-TO-RADAR): The condition where radio frequency interference signals from a transmitter of one radar enter the receiving circuits of another radar.
Radar returns are usually described by colour or level. The colours in a radar image normally range from blue or green for weak returns, to red or magenta for very strong returns. The numbers in a verbal report increase with the severity of the returns. For example, the U.S. National Doppler Radar sites use the following scale for different levels of reflectivity:[14]
- magenta: 65 dBZ (extremely heavy precipitation, possible hail)
- red: 52 dBZ
- yellow: 36 dBZ
- green: 20 dBZ (light precipitation)
If one thinks of an autumn rain uniformly filling the radar area coverage and moving from west to east, one notes that a radar beam pointing west will "see" the raindrops moving toward itself, while a beam pointing east will "see" the drops moving away. On the other hand, looking north or south, since there is no motion toward the radar in those directions, the radial velocity is null.[8]
As the beam is scanning 360 degrees around the radar, data will come from all those angles and be the radial projection of the actual wind on the individual angle. The intensity pattern formed by this scan can be represented by a cosine curve, as seen on the right. One can then calculate the direction and the strength of the motion of particles as long as there is enough coverage on the radar screen.
However, the rain drops are falling. As the radar only sees the radial component and has a certain elevation from ground, the radial velocities are contaminated by some fraction of the falling speed. This component is negligible in small elevation angles, but must be taken into account for higher scanning angles.
Now lets look closely at the KJAX (Jacksonville, Florida WSR-88D) area.

Now note the raw radar data from the National Weather Service Radar Overlay. Negative dB (decibel) returns surround the antenna, as well as four areas of what I'll call strobing, one through the Laser Training Range, one through the Shipboard Electronics System Evaluation Range, and two through the vicinity of Camp Blanding National Guard Training Site.
This is an example of a radar control panel. It allows the user to select the various levels of return that they would like to see on their display. The raw radar information seen in the second and fourth pictures above are just that raw radar data, that has not been filtered through a control panel.