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Location: Flat Creek, Alabama, United States

A dear friend of mine once said, "I've been around this rodeo enough, to enjoy life as it is dealt to me each day." It has given me an entirely new perspective on life. To describe myself, … I am an easygoing, very low maintenance, down to earth kind of person. Keywords are honesty, truth and integrity. What makes me tick? I guess you could say life. I am a spiritual, but not religious. I do not believe any one set of people, beliefs or teachings have the sole method of what is truth. I accept and respect all beliefs. I believe that is more important to walk your path, than it is to talk your path. Personally, I am more "aligned" with what can be called the "natural-way" or the Ancient and Olde Way.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Astrologically Speaking - November 2005

There are signs you can see in the sky for yourself this month:

Look to the east as the Sun sets behind you, and you'll see Mars coming up over the horizon.

Watch through the night, and you'll see Jupiter rise - coming up over the eastern horizon just before the Sun does at dawn.

Simultaneously, Saturn looms overhead, while Mars is setting in the west. This is what a T-square looks like in the sky: two planets opposing each other (Mars and Jupiter at opposite ends of the horizon in this case), with a third planet at the halfway point, between them, which is Saturn.

Unseen is Neptune, not only because it's too dim to be seen with the naked eye, but more to the point in this case because it's directly below you - which is to say, overhead on the other side of the world forming a Grand Cross.

Along with all the Mars action is telling us that, from collective violence like war to individual violence like murder and other criminality, terrorism, from accidents and crashes and fires and explosions due to recklessness or evil intent and sometimes just plain bad luck, November is yet another adrenalin surging month. If you sense angst and impatience in yourself and others, don't be alarmed: it's par for the course when Mars is so prominent.

Get a grip, calm yourself as much as possible, keep focused on what you're doing and watch out for interference (or worse). Be ready to dodge danger, and for heaven's sake don't go where you're likely to find it unless you're just bound and determined for trouble. That being said, our best behavior = being aware & staying cool.


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