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Location: Flat Creek, Alabama, United States

A dear friend of mine once said, "I've been around this rodeo enough, to enjoy life as it is dealt to me each day." It has given me an entirely new perspective on life. To describe myself, … I am an easygoing, very low maintenance, down to earth kind of person. Keywords are honesty, truth and integrity. What makes me tick? I guess you could say life. I am a spiritual, but not religious. I do not believe any one set of people, beliefs or teachings have the sole method of what is truth. I accept and respect all beliefs. I believe that is more important to walk your path, than it is to talk your path. Personally, I am more "aligned" with what can be called the "natural-way" or the Ancient and Olde Way.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Serenity Prayer ... expanded

No better statement of our need to reestablish balance in our lives can be found than in the Serenity Prayer.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity means that I no longer recoil from the past, live in jeopardy because of my present behavior, or worry about the unknown future. I seek regular times to re-create myself and I avoid those times of depletion that makes me vulnerable to despair and to old self-destructive patterns.

This Serenity comes from within the individual.
It is not based upon material wealth or external pleasures.
It comes from daily doing our best and the understanding that our "best" is going to change from moment to moment, often based upon our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
It comes from using our special gifts and talents on a daily basis in a manner that will not only benefit others but also be a witness of our personal beliefs.

Accepting change means that I do not cause suffering for myself by clinging to that which no longer exists. All that I can count on is that nothing will be stable --- except how I respond to the transforming cycles in my life of birth, growth and death.

Accepting things I cannot change.
You cannot change your environment in which you live.
You cannot stop the sun from moving across the sky.
If it is external to you, you most likely cannot change it alone.
Giving up my attempts to control outcomes does not require that I give up my boundaries or my best efforts. It does mean my most honest appraisal of the limits of what I can do.

Courage to change the things I can.
I can only change that which is internal to me.
I can change an external appearance.
I set my own personal boundaries of what I can do or allow to be done unto me.
By daily doing my personal best I am satisfied, but I let go of the outcomes and place no expectations on them.

Wisdom becomes the never forgotten recognition of all those times when it seemed there was no way out and new paths opened up like miracles in my life.
The wisdom to know the difference.
Wisdom does not come from a book, listening to a tape or watching something.
To be knowledgeable or learned does not imply wisdom.

Wisdom comes from the application of knowledge within the experience of life.
True wisdom comes from stepping outside the common boundaries of the mundane world and fully living life, often on what may be considered the ragged edge.

True wisdom comes through facing the challenges and opportunities presented by the daily events of human experience and learning from each experience; even if that experience teaches you that the experience is beyond your personal, individual ability to achieve or accomplish.
True wisdom teaches that failure is not being able to not succeed, but rather that failure is not being willing to try.


Blogger Silver Eagle said...

Some may disagree . . .

Over the recent years, especially since learning and applying the principles of the Serenity Prayer in my daily life I have noticed a marked change in myself, my health and my view of life in this world.

Changes in myself - I am much more laid back, rarely in a hurry, and generally more accepting .. yes I do have my moments of nonacceptance, but that's because I'll still part human .. lol

My health - without the stress about worrying or trying to worry about everyone else's business and taking the "oh well" approach to things in life I have no control over, I find myself healthier. That's not to say that I don't get under stress, don't have my days where if you pull the covers off me I wouldn't blast you with a squirt gun or worse, or days that just plain suck. But as soon as I recognize them I revert to the good ole "AA" slong, This too shall pass.

View of this world - It's very differnt in life when you come to recognize and accept things that you cannot change. Note just because you accept and acknowledge you can't change something doesn't mean that you like it, but rather you accept and acknowledge it's there and you can't do a thing about it. Kind of like the scene and lines from Dances With Wolves at the beginning of the movie when Kevin Cosner goes into the officer's office at the fort to get posted to the "frontier". The general or what ever his rank stands up as Cosner's leaving for his new assignment .. "I just pissed my pants, and there's nothing anyone can do about it." ...LOL

Anyway one thing I have noticed is that people with a laid back, accepting view of life, seem or appear to live healthier and happier lives. Kind of a mixture of Norman Vincent Peele, Buddhism, Eastern Mysticism, and Mind over Matter.

There's a lot to be said about the Serenity Prayer, The Twelve Step Program and other similar ones. Yet in any stage of advancement there must be acknowledgment of a issue (recognition), knowledge of if it's something you can or cannot personally change, ... courage to change it if you can ... acceptance of it if you can't ... and finally the wisdom to know is this something I can do? And I don't mean the BS propogated by society if enough people act it can be changed .. I mean can you personally change it yourself, i.e., something within your realm of control and ability to do.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Silver Eagle

8:18 PM  

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